From Columbus via Bridgeport:
Take I-70 East to Bridgeport.
Take Bridgeport exit to Ohio Route 7 North.
Follow Ohio Route 7 North to Steubenville.
Take the Washington Street Exit.
Follow Washington Street (which becomes Sunset Boulevard) 1.6 miles to the eighth stoplight at Estelle Avenue.
Turn right onto Estelle Avenue. Follow it to Broadway Boulevard.
Turn right onto Broadway.
The JCESC is on your left.
From Canton, Akron, Alliance & Points Northwest via Carrollton and ST Route 43:
From Carrollton, take ST RT 43 Southwest to Wintersville.
Exit ST RT 43 onto US Route 22 in West Limits of Wintersville.
Follow US Route 22 East to Steubenville Lovers Lane exit.
Follow exit connector to Sunset Boulevard (approximately 1 mile).
Turn left onto Sunset Boulevard.
Follow Sunset Boulevard 2.5 miles to the ninth working stoplight at Estelle Avenue.
Turn left onto Estelle and follow it to Broadway Boulevard.
Turn right onto Broadway.
The JCESC is on your left.
From Cleveland, Akron, Canton & Points Northwest via East Liverpool:
From East Liverpool, take Ohio Route 7 South to Steubenville.
Take the Washington Street Exit.
Follow Washington Street (which becomes Sunset Boulevard) 1.6 miles to the eighth stoplight at Estelle Avenue.
Turn right onto Estelle Avenue. Follow it to Broadway Boulevard.
Turn right onto Broadway.
The JCESC is on your left.
From Columbus via Cambridge & US Route 22:
Take I-70 East to I-77 North at Cambridge.
Take I-77 North for approximately 3 miles to Salt Fork/Cadiz exit (US Route 22).
Follow US Route 22 East to Steubenville Lovers Lane exit (approximately 60 miles).
Follow exit connector to Sunset Boulevard (approximately 1 mile).
Turn left onto Sunset Boulevard.
Follow Sunset Boulevard 2.5 miles to the ninth working stoplight at Estelle Avenue.
Turn left onto Estelle and follow it to Broadway Boulevard.
Turn right onto Broadway.
The JCESC is on your left.
From Pittsburgh & Points East via US Route 22:
Follow US Route 22 West through West Virginia & into Ohio.
Exit US Route 22 onto State Route 7 South.
Follow State Route 7 to Washington Street.
Take the Washington Street Exit.
Follow Washington Street (which becomes Sunset Boulevard) 1.6 miles to the eighth stoplight at Estelle Avenue.
Turn right onto Estelle Avenue. Follow it to Broadway Boulevard.
Turn right onto Broadway.
The JCESC is on your left.
Jefferson County ESC
Professional Development
Staff Intranet
2018-19 JCESC Survey
© 2025 Jefferson County Educational Service Center
2023 Sunset Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952
Tel: 740-283-3347 Fax: 740-283-2709
CMS created by LINQ