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VLA Video Tutorials

Click to watch the following tutorial videos to get a closer look at navigating the VLA System.  Each video covers topics that will help you as you complete your online courses with VLA. 
Navigating VLA Webinar for Parents and Students

Log In to the System, View Courses and Units


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In this video, you will learn how to log into the system, view courses, and units.  To log in to the system, type your username and password that was provided to you and click "Sign In."  This will take you to your home page.  
Once on your home page, at the top of the page, you will see the "Welcome" and your name.  Directly below that, you will find out how much time you've been working and the total of your progress.  In the center of the page, you'll see your messages, and just below messages, you'll see your courses.  Here you will find the number of units assigned to you, how many you have completed, how many are left, your time, your average, your final, and any alerts you may have.
To access one of the courses, simply click the name of the course to be taken to the course page.  Once inside the course page, you will see a listing of each unit in that course.  To access the unit, just click on the title to see the content and questions for that unit. 
Navigating with Icons


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Now that you have logged in and arrived at your home page, let's learn how to navigate throughout the system using the icons.  On the upper right-hand side you will find the icons you will need to navigate through the system. 
The house:  Clicking this icon will always bring you back to your home page.  
The dog-eared page:  This is one way to open a lesson you're working on.
The envelope:  This is one way to access any email that has been sent to you or you have sent using the system.  
The pencil:  Click this icon if you would like to write a message to your teacher.
The conversation bubbles:  This will take you to the forum.  Many teachers will post helpful information on this forum.
The blog icon:  This takes you to the blog page where you can find some tips and tricks to help you in your online courses.  
The question mark:  This will take you to our technical support solutions.  This is where you can find technical help and pointers.
The person icon:  Click this icon if you would like to contact tech support.  This will be about a computer or system issue.  All questions about your lessons should go to your teacher.  
And, finally, the X:  This is very important.  You should click this icon any time you are done working in the system.  This will log you out and help to calculate the time you spent working. 
Navigate Units; Complete and Submit Questions


<video id="a448090e-364b-4e6b-a921-47740f759a76" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" width="549" height="411.75" controls preload="metadata" poster="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/a448090e-364b-4e6b-a921-47740f759a76.mp4.jpg" data-setup='{ "example_option": true, "width": "auto", "height": "auto", "techOrder": ["html5","flash"] }' style="height: auto !important; position: relative !important; Clear:left; "><source src="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/a448090e-364b-4e6b-a921-47740f759a76.mp4.mp4" type="video/mp4"><source src="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/a448090e-364b-4e6b-a921-47740f759a76.mp4.ogv" type="video/ogg"><p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p></video>
Once you have opened a course from your home page, you can now see a listing of all the units within that course.  To open a unit, simply click on the title.  By default, you will see the content of your unit, but you can change your view by clicking the icons on the left-hand side of your screen.  You can click "Answer Questions" if you're ready to answer your questions for that unit.
Once you have read through the content, taken notes, and are ready to complete the questions, here are some tips.  Read each question carefully.  You'll respond to the question and click "Save."  You will want to do this after completing each question.  Be sure to answer all questions before sending to your teacher.  
If your school district requires you to complete a log entry, make sure to click "Add a Log Entry" and complete the necessary prompts including the date, start time, end time and a description of the activity you've completed.  For this example, we're going to use March 6th, 2020.  We're going to add 5:00 AM as the start time and 7:00 AM as the end time, and we're going to add that we completed the History Worksheet.  Click "Save," and your time has been added.  If your school district does NOT require you to complete a log entry at this time, click on the radio button that says "I do not have any offline activities for this unit." 
When you have completed the unit, click "All Finished! Review My Answers."  At this time you have the chance to review all your answers and make any necessary corrections.  You may also write a note or a question to your teacher at the bottom of the page.
When you are ready to submit, click "Looks OK! Send to My Teacher." 
Attaching Activities and Completing the Log Entry


<video id="6c55842e-2387-4bbf-9f89-204f085b6b4d" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered video-js-fullscreen" width="549" height="411.75" controls preload="metadata" poster="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/6c55842e-2387-4bbf-9f89-204f085b6b4d.mp4.jpg" data-setup='{ "example_option": true, "width": "auto", "height": "auto", "techOrder": ["html5","flash"] }' style="height: auto !important; position: relative !important; Clear:left; "><source src="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/6c55842e-2387-4bbf-9f89-204f085b6b4d.mp4.mp4" type="video/mp4"><source src="https://www.jcesc.k12.oh.us/VideoUp/6c55842e-2387-4bbf-9f89-204f085b6b4d.mp4.ogv" type="video/ogg"><p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p></video>
Question 33 - Please complete the activities in the resource icon.  Then, enter the following information in the "Add a Log Entry":  date completed, start time and end time, description (write the title of the activity) and attach the activity to this question.  To define the activity, we are going to the left-hand side of our screen - Unit Resources.  Find the activity.  Click to download it.  In this case we are going to fill out the Unit 2 Study Guide.  Unit 2 Study Guide.  I'm saving it on my desktop.  Go back to your "Answer Questions"; scroll down to that question.  Now we're going to add the study guide to our question by clicking "Attach a File," "Choose File."  Find the file that you want to upload, Unit 2 Study Guide, and then click "Add."  You'll see your files, Unit 2 Study Guide.  Click "Attach My Files."  Scroll down just a little bit, and you'll see that your attachment is right here.  
The second part of our question was to enter that "Add a Log Entry."  To add the log entry, we're going to add today's date, March 5th, start time (we'll put 3:15 p.m.), and I am gonna give myself about 45 minutes of working on that.  Unit 2 Study Guide is the description (that's the title of the activity) and "Save."  And we see that it was added - Unit 2 Study Guide.  Scroll down and complete the unit by clicking "All Finished! Review My Answers."  Again, if you have any questions, you can send that to your teacher at this time.  Did I do okay? "Looks Okay, Send to My Teacher."
Messaging System


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To write a message, click on the pencil in the upper right-hand corner of the page.  You will select the person whom you wish to write the email.  You can just type like any email or add an attachment from your computer.  Hi. Hello Teacher.  Click "Add Attachment," "Choose File," we'll add our Unit 2 Study Guide, "Add the Attachment."  Now the attachment is part of your email.
When you're ready, you can click "Send the Message." 
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