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Gifted Best Practices

The Gifted Education Department of the Jefferson County ESC has worked with districts in the service area as well as ESCs across the state to enhance the productivity of the gifted program.  Now is the time for expanding gifted education concepts into all areas of the curriculum to have a viable pathway to college and career readiness.
For more information on the gifted program, please contact Linda Lenzi ([email protected]) or Patty Ferrell ([email protected]) or call 740-283-3347.


GERD meetings have taken the place of gifted teacher meetings for the Gifted Education Department at the Jefferson County ESC.   Gifted programs have almost vanished in the area, so the coordinators have created professional development seminars for teachers interested in Gifted, Enrichment, Response to Intervention (Intelligence), and Differentiated Instruction (GERD).  The GERD days are held four times during the year.  These hands-on seminars enable members to create material for "Brain Boxes" and gather knowledge on higher level thinking (HLT), rigor, technology, and changes in the law.
Special GERD meetings have familiarized teachers with how to use the Virtual Learning Academy as an enrichment and higher level thinking tool. 

Professional Development

Professional development is a part of each GERD meeting.  It includes
- Sylvan Dell Books for GERD Learning Activities
- Phets Simulations
- Geocaching for Gifted
- Virtual Learning/Enrichment Lessons
- Brain Boxes/Enrichment
- Gifted Blog
- Bright, High Achievers/Gifted
- Differentiated Instruction
- Tiered Lessons
- Response to Intervention
- Bloom's Taxonomy/Higher Level Thinking (HLT) Strategies
- New Learning Standards/SLOs and Gifted
- Blended Learning
- Technology and Gifted
- Creation of Units Based on Higher-Level Thinking, Rigor, Technology
- Connection Between VLA, Gifted, and Technology
- Share Best Practices for GERD Participants
- Flipped Classrooms
- BRAIN Box/Assessment for the Classroom
More information on profession development, please visit the gifted weebly at http://jcescgifted.weebly.com

Gifted Gab

The "Gifted Gab" is an educational blog for members of the GERD team and their colleagues.  Innovative ideas and curriculum strategies as well as the new learning standards are addressed.  Please visit the blog at http://jcescgiftedgab.blogspot.com/

© 2025 Jefferson County Educational Service Center
2023 Sunset Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952
Tel: 740-283-3347 Fax: 740-283-2709

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