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VLA Fine Arts Course Descriptions (Grades 9-12)

Introduction to Art (Grades 6-8) 

Art. If you ask 100 people, “What is art?” chances are you’ll get 100 different answers. To some, art is expressing one’s feelings. To others, art is the freedom to be creative. Still others may say that art is a way to communicate without saying a word. The truth is they’re all right! There are many definitions of art, but in this unit, art will be described as a visual statement that communicates an idea or feeling. Artists use a wide variety of tools, methods and techniques to create their artwork. Some artists paint, while others draw, sculpt or use cameras or computers to create their masterpieces.

No matter what type of art they choose to make, artists always pull from their inner talents to express themselves. Generally, artists are much more imaginative and creative than the average person. Artists are able to use their tools and skills to visually communicate with the world. They may use art to work through a personal problem they’re facing, or they may use art to bring awareness to a social topic that is important to them. Whatever the purpose of their creation may be, artists take pride in their ability to make people think. “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” To an artist, no truer words have ever been spoken.

Art History

1 Semester: 18 Units

In Art History, students use the elements of art and the principles of design. Although many elements and principles were never recorded nor even acknowledged throughout history, students may still use the ideas to study the rich diversity of art work. The elements of art are line, shape, color, value, shape, form, texture, and space. The principles of design are balance, emphasis, movement, harmony, contrast, pattern, proportion, and unity. In each unit, students examine an element and a principle using several masters of the Renaissance, Claude Monet, Picasso and Matisse.

History of Jazz

1 Semester: 18 Units
In The History of Jazz, students will begin the course with a brief lesson in basic music terminology that will help them understand the development of this American popular music genre. They will then study the origins of jazz in the nineteenth century and the numerous musical style developments including, Ragtime, Swing Music, BeBop, Cool Jazz, Free Jazz, Fusion, and Modern Jazz. Students will also get an in-depth look at some of the biggest names in the development from Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington to Miles Davis, and Wynton Marsalis. Numerous video and audio recordings will be used throughout the class as a resource to truly understand the development of this genre of music.

History of Rock-n-Roll

1 Semester: 18 Units
In The History of Rock and Roll, students will begin the course with a brief lesson in basic music terminology that will help them understand the development of this American popular music genre. They will then study the origins of Rock and Roll beginning in the 1950s and the numerous musical style developments including, Rockabilly, Motown, the British Invasion, Folk Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Hip Hop, Disco and Funk. Students will also get an in-depth look at some of the biggest names in the development of Rock and Roll from Elvis and Little Richard to Led Zeppelin and Kurt Cobain. Numerous video and audio recordings will be used throughout the class as a resource to truly understand the development of this genre of music. Some of these videos and recordings might be considered inappropriate due to the topics covered within the music or language used within the songs. They are integral part, however, of the history of the history of Rock and Roll.

Introduction to Music (Grades 6, 7,8)

1 Semester: 18 Units

In Junior High Music Appreciation, students will begin the course with a brief lesson in basic music terminology that will help them understand the development of music history. Students will then learn about important music developments in each musical time period including The Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Jazz, and Rock and Roll. Important composers from Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven to Elvis, Louis Armstrong, and the Beatles will also be discussed. Numerous video and audio recordings will be used throughout the class as a resource to truly understand the development of this genre of music. PLEASE take the time to listen and watch ALL videos as material from those videos will show up in the assessments at the end of each lesson. Some of these videos and recordings might be considered inappropriate due to the topics covered within the music or language used within the songs. They are integral part, however, of the history music.
Introduction to Theatre I

1 Semester: 18 Units
Required Course Materials

Throughout this course, students will learn about the Theatre from its origins to a modern day opening night.  Students will also have the opportunity to develop their own skills in Lighting, Set and Costume Design; as well as Acting, Directing, Producing and Script Development.  Various forms of plays will be discussed; covering a large span of time periods, targeting the relationship Theatre has with society.  Students will also learn to develop an appreciation for Theatre and skills for critical evaluation of theatrical productions.

Music Appreciation

1 Semester: 18 Units

Music history is a reflection of the history of our world and/or country.  Each country has developed a specific music giving it its own humanistic value.  With extensive world travel music has grown to encompass many cultures and venues resulting in many blended styles.  Music Appreciation gives us a chance to understand and appreciate each period of history: how it has influenced the past, present, and how it will affect the future.  This course is designed to give students a taste of the music and culture from each designated period in the timeline of music history.  The topics will be covered with the use of video to help comprehend the era in which each style of music was incorporated.  Many audio pieces will give students a feel for the spectrum of music history, its composers, and/or their repertoires.  Music Appreciation will help students gain a better understanding of and a new appreciation for the world of music.

Renaissance Art

1 Semester: 18 Units

In Renaissance Art, students learn about the rebirth of ideas and art from the classical period of the Greeks and Romans. They study the lives and works of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Raphael, three primary artists featured in this course, and learn that versatility was a key to the greatness of Renaissance artists who were also writers, scientists, and mathematicians. Students learn how the arts flourished during the Renaissance period and about artists who were often individuals of great social stature, wealth and influence.

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